Self Help
General Covid-19 Information: Resources to stay advised of the current situation and protect oneself and others and during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response:
- California Department of Public Health:
- California Library Association:
- CDC Coronavirus Website:
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act:
- Coronavirus Website:
- County of Los Angeles:
- County of Los Angeles Public Health:
- COVID-19 Los Angeles Community Resources:
- Coronavirus LibGuides:
- Western Center on Law & Justice:
- World Health Organization (WHO):
Abuse & Harassment: Unwanted contact or harm by another person. Courts can grant restraining orders to protect against domestic violence, workplace violence, elder abuse, and other harms.
Child Abuse - Any type of cruelty towards a child, such as physical attacks, mental abuse, or neglect.
- LA Law Library Online Class, Custody & Child Support: Where You Begin:
- Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services:
Domestic Violence - Abuse or threat of abuse toward an “intimate partner” such as a current or former romantic partner or spouse.
- 211 LA County:
- California Women’s Law Center:
- Harriet Buhai Center for Family Law:
- LA Superior Court: If you are a litigant who requires self-help services, you may call 213-830-0845 to seek assistance with Restraining Order forms packets over the phone and referrals for additional self-help services.
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA):
- Levitt Quinn:
Domestic Violence Restraining Orders - Court order that can help protect those who have been abused or threatened with abuse.
- California Courts:
Elder Abuse - Mistreatment that results in harm or loss to an older person. Can take many forms: physical, financial, neglect, psychological or sexual.
- 211 LA County:
- Bet Tzedek (Information available in Spanish & English):
- California Department of Social Services:
Workplace Violence - Act or threat of violence, ranging from verbal abuse to physical assaults, directed toward people at work or on duty.
- California State Department of Industrial Relations:
Accessing Court Records: Find information on how and where to access court records.
- LA Law Library, Online Class, How to Access Court Records:
- LA Superior Court:
- United States District Court, Central District of California:
Alternatives for Going to Court for a Court Hearing: If you cannot or do not wish to go to court in person, there are options available to attend some types of court hearings remotely or push back the date.
Continuance - Where to find information on how to ask the court for a continuance of your case or a hearing (change a date to a date in the future)
- LA Law Library:
Courtcall - Find out how to request a telephone appearance so you don't have to go to court in person.
- LA Law Library:
Appeals: The process for asking a higher court to overrule or modify a lower court’s decision.
- LA Law Library Online Class, Appeals: How the Court Process Works:
- 2nd District Court of Appeals:
Bankruptcy: A legal process to protect a person or business who cannot pay their debts, and ensure that creditors are treated fairly.
- Public Counsel (in Spanish & English):
Census 2020: Every ten years, the federal government collects basic information about every person in the country to determine where resources should be allocated.
- United States Census 2020:
Child Welfare & Benefits: Services designed to ensure that children are safe and families have the necessary tools for the child’s well-being.
- Alliance for Children’s Rights:
Civil Rights: Fundamental legal rights of every person, like equality before the law, due process, free speech and petition, among many others.
- HHS Office for Civil Rights in Action:
- LA Law Library Online Class, Civil Rights: Where You Begin:
Conservatorship: The legal authority to make decisions for an adult who is unable to make their own decisions.
- Bet Tzedek (in Spanish & English):
- Getting Help for Severe Mental Illness: The LPS Conservatorship Process: Bet Tzedek LPS
Contracts Law (Formation and Breach): How to make an agreement legally binding (through formation of a contract), and what happens when one side doesn’t perform as agreed (breach of contract).
- LA Law Library Online Class, Know Before You Sign on the Dotted Line: Reading & Negotiating Business Contracts (Business Series):
- Los Angeles County Department of Business and Consumer Affairs:
Courthouse & Government Closures: During Covid-19, there will be updates on courthouse and government buildings operation hours.
- LA Superior Court: Open Courtrooms and Coverage
Credit and Debt: Money that is owed such as credit card bills, loan payments, etc., and the rights of the person who owes the money (debtor) and the person to whom it is owed (creditor).
- LA Law Library, Online Class, Dealing with Debt: Where You Begin:
Auto Loan Payments - Payments relating to the purchase of an automobile or other vehicle.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:
Student Loans - Money borrowed by students to pay for or support their education. Federal student loan borrowers may be entitled to COVID-19 related relief.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:
Criminal Law: Laws that are punishable by imprisonment and the procedures for enforcing them.
Cleaning Criminal Records - Certain misdemeanors can be changed to "expunged" on your record showing the case was effectively dismissed.
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA):
Disability Benefits: Benefits designed to assist people with a physical or mental impairment.
- Employment Development Department (EDD):
Disaster Relief: Financial and other assistance to help rebuild and recover after a disaster, including COVID-19.
- Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA):
Driving Laws: Laws that regulate vehicles and traffic.
Traffic Laws
- Traffic and Non-traffic Infraction Matters: Traffic and Non-Traffic Infraction Matters.pdf
Traffic Tickets - Notices issued by law enforcement to motorists or other road users, indicating that the user has violated traffic laws.
- LA Superior Court:
Employers: Responsibilities of employers under the new coronavirus legislation, including federal and state wage and hour implications, paid sick leave and expanded family leave.
- California Labor & Workforce Development Agency:
- California Lawyers Association, Employer Concerns, Navigating COVID-19 Issues (English):
- California Lawyers Association, Employer Concerns, Navigating COVID-19 Issues (Spanish):
- California Lawyers Association: Navigating COVID-19 Issues: Notify Your Employees About HR 6201 Rights:
- U.S. Small Business Administration:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
- Koreatown Youth+ Community Center:
- Little Tokyo Service Center:
- MarketWatch:
- U.S. Small Business Administration:
- U.S. Small Business Administration:
Employees: Benefits for workers impacted by COVID-19. Includes unemployment, workers’ compensation, job-protected leave and the rights of agricultural workers.
Agricultural Workers - An agricultural worker maintains crops such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts, or looks after livestock and may include agricultural inspectors, graders and sorters, and farmworkers.
- United Farm Workers:
General Guidance - Employer and employee responsibilities for health and safety, paid sick leave and expanded family leave.
- California Labor & Workforce Development Agency:
- Benefits.Gov:
- Marketwatch:
Hourly Workers - Rights and protections for employees paid by the hour.
- California Employment Law Report:
- California Department of Industrial Relations:
- California Lawyers Association, Navigating COVID-19 Issues: Employee Health and Safety:
- California Lawyers Association, Navigating COVID-19 Issues: Employee Leave Laws:
- California Lawyers Association, Navigating COVID-19 Issues: Employee Benefits:
Paid Family Leave - Wage benefits to workers who need to take time off to take care a family member.
- California Employment Development Department (EDD):
Paid Sick Leave - Wage benefits to workers who are unable to work due to illness or medical reasons.
- California Employment Development Department (EDD):
- National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL):
Unemployment Benefits - Cash benefits available to eligible workers who become unemployed or partially unemployed through no fault of their own.
- California Employment Development Department (EDD):
Workers’ Compensation - Benefits for those unable to do their usual job because of job-related illness or injury.
- California Department of Industrial Relations:
Workers’ Rights - Rights guaranteed to workers by law.
- Bet Tzedek Legal Services:
- California Labor & Workforce Development Agency:
- Legal Aid at Work:
- MarketWatch:
- Worker’s Guide (English): The Worker's Guide_ Your Rights During Coronavirus (COVID-19) (English)
- Worker’s Guide (Spanish): La guía del trabajador_ Sus derechos durante el coronavirus (COVID-19) (Spanish)
Family Law: Divorce, child custody and visitation, child and spousal support, guardianship and adoption, and other issues affecting families.
Child Custody - Rights and responsibilities between parents and their child or children.
- California Lawyers Association, Navigating COVID-19 Issues: General Information about Custody & Support (English & Spanish):
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA):
- Levitt Quinn:
Child Support - Money paid by one parent to help support their child or children.
- California Child Support Services:
- California Lawyers Association, Navigating COVID-19 Issues: General Information about Custody & Support (English & Spanish):
- Levitt Quinn:
- Child Visitation California Courts:
- Levitt Quinn:
Child Visitation - Plan for how parents will spend time with their child or children.
- California Courts:
- Levitt Quinn:
Divorce - Marriage that is legally ended by a judge’s order—also known as “dissolution.”
- California Courts:
- LA Law Library Online Class, Divorce & Separation: Where You Begin:
- Levitt Quinn:
Food and Nutrition Assistance: Public benefit programs that provide meal or food assistance to eligible participants.
- CalFresh Food Benefits (English):
- CalFresh Food Benefits (Spanish):
- EBT Online Frequently Asked Questions (English):
- EBT Online Frequently Asked Questions (Spanish):
- Karsh Center:
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA:
Food Safety: Proper handling, preparation, and storage of food to prevent food-borne illnesses.
Foster Youth: Information relating to minor children placed in the foster care.
- Alliance for Children’s Rights:
Guardianship: The legal authority to make decisions for a minor whose parents cannot or will not properly care for them.
- Public Counsel:
Healthcare: Laws relating to medical services and providers.
- California Lawyers Association, Navigating COVID-19 Issues: Targeting Healthcare Provider Employment Concerns (English & Spanish):
- California Lawyers Association, Navigating COVID-19 Issues: Immediate Challenges Facing Hospitals:
- California Lawyers Association, Navigating COVID-19 Issues: Telehealth Updates:
Advance Healthcare Directives - Legal document that states written wishes for medical care and/or names a specific person to carry out those wishes.
- ABA Commission on Law & Aging:
- California Advance Healthcare Directive:
- California Courts:
- Coalition for Compassionate Care of California:
- Kaiser Permanente:
Homeless Assistance: Programs and services to help unhoused persons or those at risk of experiencing homelessness.
Shelters - Service agencies that provide temporary residence, food, healthcare, or other support service for people experiencing homelessness.
- Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) (English):
- Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) (Spanish):
Housing & Landlord/Tenant: The rights and obligations of those who own property occupied by others and those who rent or lease property; can be residential or for business.
Tenant Protections (Eviction Moratorium) - Tenants’ rent payment is temporarily delayed; courts’ temporarily suspension of eviction proceedings due to non-payment of rent.
- Astanehe Law:
- California Lawyers Association, Navigating COVID-19 Issues: Overview of California’s Eviction Moratorium (English & Spanish):
- Covid-19: California Tenant Protections: COVID-19 CA Tenant Protections.pdf
- Heart L.A. (English):
- Heart L.A. (Spanish):
- National Low Income Housing Coalition:
- Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County:
- The Governor’s Executive Order on Evictions: Analysis of Eviction
Immigration: Laws and procedures relating to individuals entering the United States, including detention, court hearings, and citizenship.
Asylum - Protection for people who have suffered or have been threatened based on their race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, or membership in particular social groups.
- Esperanza (English & Spanish):
- Carecen:
Citizenship - Status of being or process of becoming a citizen of a specific country.
Custodians of Unaccompanied Minors - Adults who are responsible for unaccompanied minors’ care and safety during immigration proceedings.
Detained Adults - Persons held in immigration detention centers pending their case processing, release, or removal.
Healthcare - Laws relating to medical services and providers.
- Bet Tzedek Legal Services:
- National Immigration Law Center:
U-Visa - A type of visa that can protect victims of certain crimes by making it safer to report crime to or help law enforcement.
Undocumented - Immigrants who are non-U.S. citizens, Permanent Residents, do not have current visas, or have not been approved for legal residency in the U.S.
- California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance:
Insurance Claims: How and where to file claims for unemployment, workers compensation, disability, health and other types of insurance.
- California Employment Development Department (EDD):
Legal Information by Phone: Telephone assistance with questions about eviction/housing, domestic violence, immigration, employment or other legal issues.
LA Law Library - Reference assistance and free e-delivery up to 25 pages available remotely by email, chat or telephonically.
- Remote Services: Patron Information.pdf
Lawyers in the Library at LA Law Library - Volunteer lawyers provide free consultations with people who have legal problems to discuss. To schedule a free telephonic consultation with a lawyer, please click the link below.
- Lawyers in the Library:
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Toll-free hotlines in Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Filipino (Tagalog), Korean, and Thai. Topics covered include: landlord/tenant, immigration, domestic violence and more, please see website for further information.
Bet Tzedek Legal Services - Assistance available by phone or email for conservatorship, employment rights, small business, healthcare, elder abuse, small claims and more. Please see website for further information about topics covered.
- Bet Tzedek Intake Line:
Christian Legal Aid - Free telephonic consultations available to speak with an attorney. Areas covered include: family law, small claims, probate and more, please see website for more information about topics covered.
- Telephonic Legal Consultation:
Esperanza Immigrants Rights Project - Information on Immigration Court and Self-Help services for immigrants facing deportation. Please see website for further information.
- Information in English & Spanish:
Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA) - Assistance available by phone or email for domestic violence, eviction, government benefits, student loans and more. Please see website for complete list of topics covered.
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA):
LA Superior Court - Self-help services from the courts available to litigants seeking assistance with Restraining Order form packets over the phone and referrals for additional self-help. Call (213) 830-0845.
- LA Superior Court Self-Help Hotline:
Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA) - Telephonic help line available for legal assistance with housing, social security, family law, health advocacy, personal debt, bankruptcy and others. Please see website for complete list of topics.
- NLSLA Hotline:
Public Counsel - Telephonic assistance available for legal issues concerning children and youth, immigration, bankruptcy, veteran benefit claims and discharge upgrades, and more. Please see website for complete list.
- Public Counsel Intake Line:
Legal Deadlines and Extensions: Information about changes to deadlines that have been affected by court closures.
Continuance - Where to find information on how to ask the court for a continuance of your case or a hearing (change a date to a date in the future).
- LA Law Library:
Courtcall - Find out how to request a telephone appearance so you don't have to go to court in person.
- LA Law Library:
Court Closures - Find information about what courts are closed and for how long.
- One Legal:
Traffic and Non-traffic Infraction Matters: Traffic and Non-Traffic Infraction Matters.pdf
Filing Court Documents - How do I file my court documents while the court clerks offices are closed due to COVID-19.
- Family Law Ex Parte Update:
- LA Law Library:
Services available at LA Superior Court - Find out what types of hearings and matters are still happening at LA Superior Court.
Legal Research: Finding answers or solutions to a legal question by looking into published sources of law such as cases and statutes or summaries and treatises.
- LA Law Library:
- LA Law Library Research Databases (Lexis and Nolo databases log-in information):
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, LGBT+ Legal Resources: Resources on the rights of and services available to persons of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender orientation.
- Los Angeles LGBT Center:
Mental Health Services: Availability of and options for accessing mental health support and counseling services.
- Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health:
- National Alliance on Mental Illness:
Notarizing Legal Documents: Information on affixing seal and signature of a public notary to legalize a document.
- National Notary Association:
Price Gouging/Scams: Scams, fraudulent overcharging, or dishonestly raising prices (on goods or services) beyond market value in a time of crisis.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:
- Internal Revenue Services (IRS):
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs:
- National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL):
Prisoners' Rights and Prison Release Protocols: Prison inmates' civil rights and procedures for obtaining release from incarceration.
- Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office:
- The Marshall Project:
Probate of Wills & Estates: How the property of someone who has died gets distributed.
- LA Law Library, Online Class, Estate Probate & Trusts: Where You Begin:
Real Estate: Rights of those who own homes, land, buildings, natural resources, etc.
Foreclosure: Lender legally imposing sale of mortgaged property to recover real estate loan balance from borrower unable to pay.
Mortgage Payments: Borrower’s regularly scheduled payments of a real property loan’s principal and interest amounts to a lender.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:
Restraining Order for Protection: How to stop a person or entity from taking actions harmful to another
- LA Superior Court:
Small Claims: Legal dispute over money or other property, valued less than $10,000 for individuals, and under $5,000 for corporations.
- LA Law Library Online Class, Small Claims: Where You Begin:
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs:
Social Security Assistance: Federal financial support for nutritional, medical, and/or housing needs of qualifying low-income, disabled, and/or elderly individuals.
- U.S. Social Security:
State/Federal Orders: Government directives about COVID-19 or Novel Coronavirus
Emergency Declarations: Government proclamation authorizing access to levels of human and material resources needed to address extreme states of emergency.
- California Courts:
Safer at Home: Government public safety measure directing people to stay home (in groups under ten persons, six feet apart,) and to go out only for essential services.
- Mayor Eric Garcetti:
- Office of Governor Gavin Newsom:
Tax Filings/Tax Breaks: COVID-19 extensions to file and pay California and federal income taxes.
- Bet Tzedek Legal Services:
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:
- Economic Impact Payments:
- IRS Coronovirus Page:
Trademarks/Copyrights: Legal ways to protect your creative efforts and products
- LA Law Library, Online Class, Protecting Your Intellectual Property: Copyrights & Trade Secrets (Business Series):
- United States Patent and Trademark Office:
Utilities: COVID-19 resources for changes in bills including electricity, gas, water, cable, and telephone.
- National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC):
Veterans' Assistance: Remote services including financial, housing, healthcare, benefits and claims available to veterans and their families.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Tax Filing Assistance:
- LA County Military & Veterans Affairs:
This section gives you information about the various types of legal help available to people in Los Angeles County who do not have a lawyer, whether you are representing yourself, looking for low cost legal help or trying to hire a lawyer. Below you will find information about services available at the Law Library, court-based self-help centers, legal aid and non-profit agencies, lawyer referral services, limited scope representation, and dispute resolution programs.
LA Law Library Services
LA Law Library Reference librarians assist with legal research questions and locating legal resources (including samples, court forms and instructions) in person, by phone or email. At LA Law Library, you can do research, take how-to classes, attend workshops and clinics or even get a free consultation with an attorney at Lawyers in the Library or Talk to a Lawyer Online. Click here to see our calendar for more information about classes, services and drop-in assistance at LA Law Library.
Los Angeles Superior Court Self Help Resource Centers
Self-Help Resource Centers are available in many court locations to provide free legal help to litigants who do not have lawyers. For specific case types, they give you legal information, provide instructions about how to complete court forms, make referrals to other legal resources, and explain the court rules and process. Self-Help Resource Centers do not cover all areas of law. For hours and locations of the Los Angeles Superior Court’s self-help centers and to find information on which centers have clinics and drop-in assistance for divorce, child custody, child support, paternity, domestic violence, civil harassment, elder abuse, guardianships, conservatorships, name changes and evictions, click here.
Legal Aid and Non-Profit Agencies
Legal aid agencies are non-profit organizations that provide free legal services to people below a certain income level. Before you can get help from a legal aid agency, you usually have to qualify for their help based on your income. Many legal services focus on problems that affect basic needs such as housing, government benefits and family safety. Find legal aid and non-profit agencies at (You will need to provide your location and the legal topic and question. Feel free to ask a reference librarian at the Law Library for assistance identifying the topic and question.) For a list of legal aid and non-profit agencies by legal topic, click here.
Lawyer Referral Services
Lawyer referral services help people find lawyers. Most lawyers practice in distinct areas of law, such as personal injury, family law, or criminal law. Finding the right lawyer for your specific legal issue is important. Many of the local bar associations throughout Los Angeles County have lawyer referral services which help you connect with lawyers knowledgeable in particular areas of law. For a list of Los Angeles County lawyer referral services certified by the State Bar of California, click here.
Reduced Fee Lawyers
Some lawyer referral services have "modest means panels" which are designed for people who have some ability to pay for a lawyer, but who cannot afford the standard cost of a private lawyer's services. Lawyers on modest means panels have agreed to perform services at a reduced cost to moderate income clients. You must meet specific income and asset guidelines in order to be eligible for these programs. For a list of Los Angeles County lawyer referral services with modest means panels, click here.
Community Lawyers
LA Law Library is a participant in the Los Angeles Incubator Consortium (LAIC), which is a program that supports and assists lawyers in starting their own solo practice so they can serve the community’s legal needs at an affordable cost. Lawyers in LAIC represent clients of modest means in a wide variety of practice areas such as immigration, family, criminal, housing, small business, employment, civil rights, consumer, and probate. LAIC is a collaboration between various law schools and legal aid organizations. For more information about LAIC or to get assistance, click here.
Limited-Scope Representation
Limited scope representation is when you and a lawyer agree that the lawyer will handle some parts of your case and you will handle others. This is different from more traditional arrangements between lawyers and clients in which a lawyer is hired to provide legal services on all aspects of a case, from start to finish. You can contact your local lawyer referral service to find out where you can find a lawyer who will provide unbundled services. For a list of Los Angeles County lawyer referral services certified by the State Bar of California, click here.
Online Lawyer Directories
Online lawyer directories provide attorney listings. Check out,,, and to identify attorneys who specialize in your area of law.
Dispute Resolution Programs
Many communities have "dispute resolution" programs. These programs try to help "mediate" or work out problems instead of going to court, so you may not need a lawyer. For more information about resolving your dispute out of court, click here. The Los Angeles Superior Court provides settlement programs for civil cases ( and a Pro Bono Probate Settlement Program ( for cases involving probate, trusts, estates, guardianship and conservatorships.
This section gives you information about the various types of legal help available to people in Los Angeles County who do not have a lawyer, whether you are representing yourself, looking for low cost legal help or trying to hire a lawyer. Below you will find information about services available at the Law Library, court-based self-help centers, legal aid and non-profit agencies, lawyer referral services, limited scope representation, and dispute resolution programs.
LA Law Library Services
LA Law Library Reference librarians assist with legal research questions and locating legal resources (including samples, court forms and instructions) in person, by phone or email. At LA Law Library, you can do research, take how-to classes, attend workshops and clinics or even get a free consultation with an attorney at Lawyers in the Library or Talk to a Lawyer Online. Click here to see our calendar for more information about classes, services and drop-in assistance at LA Law Library.
Los Angeles Superior Court Self Help Resource Centers
Self-Help Resource Centers are available in many court locations to provide free legal help to litigants who do not have lawyers. For specific case types, they give you legal information, provide instructions about how to complete court forms, make referrals to other legal resources, and explain the court rules and process. Self-Help Resource Centers do not cover all areas of law. For hours and locations of the Los Angeles Superior Court’s self-help centers and to find information on which centers have clinics and drop-in assistance for divorce, child custody, child support, paternity, domestic violence, civil harassment, elder abuse, guardianships, conservatorships, name changes and evictions, click here.
Legal Aid and Non-Profit Agencies
Legal aid agencies are non-profit organizations that provide free legal services to people below a certain income level. Before you can get help from a legal aid agency, you usually have to qualify for their help based on your income. Many legal services focus on problems that affect basic needs such as housing, government benefits and family safety. Find legal aid and non-profit agencies at (You will need to provide your location and the legal topic and question. Feel free to ask a reference librarian at the Law Library for assistance identifying the topic and question.) For a list of legal aid and non-profit agencies by legal topic, click here.
Lawyer Referral Services
Lawyer referral services help people find lawyers. Most lawyers practice in distinct areas of law, such as personal injury, family law, or criminal law. Finding the right lawyer for your specific legal issue is important. Many of the local bar associations throughout Los Angeles County have lawyer referral services which help you connect with lawyers knowledgeable in particular areas of law. For a list of Los Angeles County lawyer referral services certified by the State Bar of California, click here.
Reduced Fee Lawyers
Some lawyer referral services have "modest means panels" which are designed for people who have some ability to pay for a lawyer, but who cannot afford the standard cost of a private lawyer's services. Lawyers on modest means panels have agreed to perform services at a reduced cost to moderate income clients. You must meet specific income and asset guidelines in order to be eligible for these programs. For a list of Los Angeles County lawyer referral services with modest means panels, click here.
Community Lawyers
LA Law Library is a participant in the Los Angeles Incubator Consortium (LAIC), which is a program that supports and assists lawyers in starting their own solo practice so they can serve the community’s legal needs at an affordable cost. Lawyers in LAIC represent clients of modest means in a wide variety of practice areas such as immigration, family, criminal, housing, small business, employment, civil rights, consumer, and probate. LAIC is a collaboration between various law schools and legal aid organizations. For more information about LAIC or to get assistance, click here.
Limited-Scope Representation
Limited scope representation is when you and a lawyer agree that the lawyer will handle some parts of your case and you will handle others. This is different from more traditional arrangements between lawyers and clients in which a lawyer is hired to provide legal services on all aspects of a case, from start to finish. You can contact your local lawyer referral service to find out where you can find a lawyer who will provide unbundled services. For a list of Los Angeles County lawyer referral services certified by the State Bar of California, click here.
Online Lawyer Directories
Online lawyer directories provide attorney listings. Check out,,, and to identify attorneys who specialize in your area of law.
Dispute Resolution Programs
Many communities have "dispute resolution" programs. These programs try to help "mediate" or work out problems instead of going to court, so you may not need a lawyer. For more information about resolving your dispute out of court, click here. The Los Angeles Superior Court provides settlement programs for civil cases and a Pro Bono Probate Settlement Program for cases involving probate, trusts, estates, guardianship and conservatorships.
Appeal Your Case
- Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law- Ninth Circuit Appellate Advocacy Clinic
- Public Counsel - Appellate Self-Help Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Appellate Litigation Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Appellate Litigation Clinic for Veterans
Car Crashes / Accidents
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA)- Small Claims Advisors
- Loyola Center for Conflict Resolution
California Food Stamps
Cancer Legal Services
Child Abuse & Neglect
- LA County Child Abuse Hotline
- Find the Children
- For the Child
- Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office- Child Abduction Unit
- Los Angeles County Office of Child Protection- Child Abuse Hotline
Child Custody
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- Custody & Child Support: Where You Begin at LA Library
- Community Legal Aid SoCal
- Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Levitt & Quinn Family Law Center
- Los Angeles Center for Law & Justice
- Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA)
- Southwestern Law School- Family Law Clinic
Children's Rights
- Alliance for Children's Rights
- Public Counsel - Children's Rights Project
- Southwestern Law School - Children's Rights Clinic
- UCLA School of Law - Teen Court Clinic
Child Support
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- California Department of Child Support Services
- Community Legal Aid SoCal
- Custody & Child Support: Where You Begin at LA Library
- Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Levitt & Quinn Family Law Center
- Los Angeles County Child Support Services
- Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles (NLSLA)
- Southwestern Law School- Family Law Clinic
Civil Rights
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Civil Rights: Where You Begin at LA Law Library
- Disability Rights California
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
- National Lawyers Guild
- Public Counsel- Federal Pro Se Clinic
Clearing Criminal Records
- A New Way of Life Reentry Project
- Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST)- Clearing Criminal Records
- Free Help with Clearing Criminal Records at LA Law Library
Consumer Complaints
Consumer Debt Help
- Community Legal Aid SoCal
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Dealing with Debt: Where You Begin at LA Law Library
- East LA Community Corporation (ELACC)
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA)
- Loyola Center for Conflict Resolution
- Public Counsel-Debtor Assistance Project
- UC Irvine School of Law- Consumer Law Clinic
Criminal Law
- A New Way of Life- Reentry Legal Clinics
- Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST)- Clearing Criminal Records
- County of Los Angeles Alternate Public Defender
- Free Help with Clearing Criminal Records at LA Law Library
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Los Angeles County Public Defender's Office
- UC Irvine School of Law- Criminal Justice Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Criminal Defense Clinic
- Victim Compensation and Government Claims Bureau (State of California)
Disability Rights
- County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services (DPSS)
- Disabled Resources Center
- Disability Rights California
- Disability Rights Legal Center (DRLC)
- Mental Health Advocacy Services (MHAS)
- University of La Verne College of Law- Disability Rights Legal Center Clinic
Disaster Legal Services
- Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA)
- Pepperdine Caruso School of Law- Disaster Recovery Clinic
Divorce and Families
- Alliance for Children's Rights
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- Community Legal Aid SoCal
- Divorce & Separation: Where You Begin at LA Law Library
- Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law
- Jewish Divorce Assistance Center of Los Angeles
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Levitt & Quinn Family Law Center
- Los Angeles Center for Law & Justice (LACLJ)
- Los Angeles Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Center
- Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA)
- Southwestern Law School- Family Law Clinic
Domestic Violence
- Center for the Pacific Asian Family
- East Los Angeles Women's Center
- For the Child
- Jewish Family & Children's Service of Long Beach & West Orange County
- Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles
- Talk to a Lawyer Online! at LA Law Library
- Los Angeles Center for Law & Justice (LACLJ)
- Los Angeles Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Center- Anti-Violence Project & Legal Advocacy Project for Survivors
- Peace Over Violence
- The United States Attorney's Office, Central District of California- Victim Witness Assistance Program
Domestic Violence - Batterers' Treatment Programs
Domestic Violence - Hotlines
- Didi Hirsh Mental Health Services- Suicide Crisis Line
- Los Angeles County Domestic Violence Hotline
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
Domestic Violence - Legal Clinic
- Break the Cycle
- Pasadena Bar Association Free Legal Clinic at the Jackie Robinson Community Center
- UC Irvine School of Law- Domestic Violence Clinic
Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
- Break the Cycle
- Chapman University- Bette and Wylie Aitken Family Protection Clinic
- Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law
- Jackie Robinson Community Center
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)- Domestic Violence Clinics
- Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA)- Domestic Violence Legal Services Project
- Long Beach Police Department Domestic Violence Unit
Domestic Violence - Shelters
- 1736 Family Crisis Center
- Haven House
- House of Ruth
- Interval House
- Jenesse Center, Inc.
- Rainbow Services
- Su Casa
- WomenShelter Long Beach
Education Law
Elder Abuse
- Bet Tzedek Legal Services- Self-Help Elder Abuse Restraining Order Clinic
- Chapman University Fowler School of Law- The Alona Cortese Elder Law Center
- Elder Abuse Hotline
- LA County Adult Protective Services
Emergency & Social Services
- 211 LA County
- American Red Cross
- Boys & Girls Town of Southern California
- Catholic Charities
- Karsh Center at Wilshire Boulevard Temple
- Long Beach Rescue Mission
- Los Angeles County Health and Human Services Information
- Lutheran Social Services
- St. Joseph Center
- The Salvation Army Family Service & Bell Shelter
Emergency Shelters
- 1736 Family Crisis Center
- Animal Safety Net
- Center for Pacific Asian Family
- Haven House
- House of Ruth
- Interval House
- Jenesse Center
- Long Beach Rescue Mission
- Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) Hotline
- New Image Emergency Shelter
- Rainbow Services
- Salvation Army-Bell Shelter
- Su Casa
- Union Rescue Mission
- WomenShelter Long Beach
Employment Discrimination
- California Department on Fair Employment & Housing
- California Labor Commissioner's Office
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Public Counsel- Federal Pro Se Clinic
Employment Rights
- Bet Tzedek Legal Services- Employment Rights Project- Walk-In Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- California Department of Fair Employment and Housing Civil Rights Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- CRS Race, Work and Economic Justice Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Labor and Economic Justice Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Workers Rights Clinic
Entertainment Law
- California Lawyers for the Arts
- Chapman University Fowler School of Law- Entertainment Law Clinic
- Southwestern Law School- Entertainment & the Arts Legal Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Music Industry Clinic
Environment Law
- UC Irvine School of Law- Environmental Law Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Frank G. Wells Environmental Law Clinic
Evictions (Unlawful Detainer)
- Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE)
- Ask a Lawyer: Landlord/Tenant Law and Evictions at LA Law Library
- Bet Tzedek Legal Services
- Coalition for Economic Survival (CES) Tenants' Rights Clinic
- California Women’s Law Center (CWLC) Free Legal Housing Clinic
- Eviction Defense Network
- FAME Church Free Legal Clinic
- Housing, Equality & Advocacy Resource Team (HEART L.A.)
- Inner City Law Center
- Inquilinos Unidos (United Tenants)
- LA Court’s Online Dispute Resolution, Unlawful Detainer (Evictions)
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer & Business Affairs, Mediation Services
- Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA)
- Public Counsel Free Community Legal Clinic
- Santa Monicans for Renters' Rights
- Shriver Housing Project Los Angeles
- Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE)
- Stay Housed L.A.
- Tenant Power ToolKit
- Tenants Together
- Union de Vecinos
- Basta, Inc.
- California Homeowner Bill of Rights Collaborative
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- East LA Community Corporation (ELACC)
- Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino- Free Tenant Rights & Foreclosure Prevention Workshops
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer & Business Affairs (DCBA)
- Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA)- Foreclosure Prevention Project
- Public Counsel- Consumer Law Project
- Public Counsel- Federal Pro Se Clinic
- West Angeles Community Development Corporation- Foreclosure Prevention Clinic
Foster Care
- Advokids
- Alliance for Children's Rights
- Children's Law Center
- Los Angeles County Department of Children and Familiy Services (DCFS)
- United Friends of the Children
Free Legal Clinics
- Beverly Hills Bar Association Barristers- Monthly Pro Bono Legal Clinic (Monthly; 1st Saturdays)
- California Women's Law Center and Venice Community Housing Free Legal Clinic (Monthly; 3rd Saturdays)
- Christian Legal Aid- Free Legal Clinic (Alternating Dates/Times)
- FAME Church Free Legal Clinic (Bi-weekly Sundays)
- Free Small Claims Workshop
- Karsh Center at Wilshire Boulevard Temple Legal Clinics (Alternating Dates/Times)
- Karsh Center at Wilshire Boulevard Temple/Korean American Bar Association (Monthly; 2nd Tuesdays)
- Lawyers in the Library at LA Law Library (Monthly; 3rd Fridays)
- Pasadena Bar Association Free Legal Clinic at the Jackie Robinson Community Center (Monthly; 2nd Saturdays)
- Public Counsel- Lawyers in the Library (Bi-weekly Tuesdays)
- Trans Legal Clinic Calendar (Legal Clinics for Name and Gender Change)- Transgender Law Center (Alternating Dates/Times)
Free Legal Clinics (Law Schools)
- Chapman University Fowler School of Law - The Alona Cortese Elder Law Center
- Chapman University Fowler School of Law- Bette and Wylie Aitken Family Protection Clinic
- Chapman University Fowler School of Law- Entertainment Law Clinic
- Chapman University Fowler School of Law- Mediation Clinic Programs
- Chapman University Fowler School of Law- Tax Law Clinic
- Loyola Center for Conflict Resolution
- Loyola Law School- Collateral Consequences of Conviction Justice Project
- Loyola Law School- The Fashion Law Project
- Loyola Law School- Juvenile Innocence and Fair Sentencing Clinic
- Loyola Law School- The Juvenile Justice Clinic
- Loyola Law School- Pro Se Mediation Advocacy Clinic
- Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law- Disaster Recovery Clinic
- Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law- Faith and Family Mediation Clinic
- Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law- Legal Aid Clinic at Union Rescue Mission
- Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law- Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
- Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law- Ninth Circuit Appellate Advocacy Clinic
- Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law- Restoration and Justice Clinic
- Southwestern Law School- Children's Rights Clinic
- Southwestern Law School- Community Lawyering Clinic
- Southwestern Law School- Entertainment & the Arts Legal Clinic
- Southwestern Law School- Family Law Clinic
- Southwestern Law School- Immigration Law Clinic
- Southwestern Law School- Removal Defense Clinic
- Southwestern Law School- Street Law Clinic
- Southwestern Law School- Youth Offender Parole Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Appellate Litigation Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Appellate Litigation Clinic for Veterans
- UC Irvine School of Law- California Department of Fair Employment and Housing Civil Rights Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Community & Economic Development Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Consumer Law Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Criminal Justice Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Domestic Violence Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law - Environmental Law Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Immigrant Rights Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Reproductive Justice Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Startup and Small Business Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Criminal Defense Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- CRS Race, Work and Economic Justice Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Documentary Film Legal Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Education Rights Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- First Amendment Amicus Brief Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Frank G. Wells Environmental Law Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Homelessness Prevention Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Immigrant Family Legal Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Labor and Economic Justice Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Landlord-Tenant Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- LetsGo! Liberation
- UCLA School of Law- Music Industry Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Naturalization Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Patent and Trademark Law Clinics
- UCLA School of Law- Skid Row Housing Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Teen Court Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- The Immigration Clinic: Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) & U-Visa Project
- UCLA School of Law- Tribal Legal Development Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Veterans Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Veterans Legal Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Workers Rights Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Youth Deportation Clinic
- University of La Verne College of Law- Disability Rights Legal Center Clinic
- University of La Verne College of Law- Justice and Immigration Clinic
- USC Gould School of Law- Immigration Clinic
- USC Gould School of Law- Intellectual Property and Technology Law Clinic (IPTLC)
- USC Gould School of Law- Mediation Clinic
- USC Gould School of Law- Post-Conviction Justice Project
- USC Gould School of Law- Small Business Clinic
Gender Change
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) Center OC- Name and Gender Change Services
- The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning/Queer (LGBTQ) Center of Long Beach- Free Legal Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic
- Los Angeles Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Center- Trans* Lounge
- Los Angeles Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Center- Transgender Economic Empowerment Project
- St. John's Well Child & Family Center- Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic
- Transgender Law Center
- UCLA School of Law- LetsGo! Liberation
Government Benefits
- Inner City Law Center
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Los Angeles Center for Law & Justice (LACLJ)
- Public Counsel CARES
- Alliance for Children's Rights
- Immigration Center for Women & Children
- Levitt & Quinn Family Law Center
- Los Angeles Center for Law & Justice (LACLJ)
- Our Children First
- Public Counsel- Pro Per Guardianship Clinic
HIV / AIDS Legal Services
- Alliance for Housing and Healing
- Comprehensive Housing Information and Referrals for People Living with HIV/AIDS (CHIRP LA)
- Inner City Law Center
- Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA)- AIDS Legal Services Project
- Los Angeles Family AIDS Network
- Public Law Center- HIV/AIDS Legal Assistance
Homeless Services
- Chrysalis- The Bin
- Community's Child
- Inner City Law Center
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services- Homeless Services
- Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)
- Los Angeles Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Center- Homeless Youth Project
- Los Angeles Poverty Department (LAPD)
- Los Angeles Public Library- The Source
- Our Children LA (OCLA)
- People Assisting the Homeless (PATH)
- Piece by Piece
- Public Counsel Cares
- Safe Parking L.A.
- UCLA School of Law- Homelessness Prevention Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Skid Row Housing Clinic
Homeowners Assistance
- East LA Community Corporation (ELACC)
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA)
Housing & Landlord / Tenants
- Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE)
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- City of Los Angeles Housing Resource Center
- Community Legal Aid SoCal
- Inner City Law Center
- Inquilinos Unidos (United Tenants)
- Koreatown Tenants Defense Network
- Landlord-Tenant: Where You Begin at LA Law Library
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino- Free Tenant Rights & Foreclosure Prevention Workshops
- Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN)
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA)
- Los Angeles Housing Authority
- Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA)
- Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA)
- Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE)
- Talk to a Lawyer Online! at LA Law Library
- UCLA School of Law- Landlord-Tenant Clinic
- Union de Vecinos
Housing / Living Conditions / Habitability
- Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles (AAGLA)
- County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health
- Disabled Resources Center
- Fair Housing Foundation
- Housing Authority of the City of Long Beach
- Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles
- Inquilinos Unidos (United Tenants)
- L.A. County Health Department- Environmental Health Division
- Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services
- Long Beach Development Services
- Los Angeles Department of Building & Safety (LADBS)
- Los Angeles Health Department
- Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA)
Housing Discrimination
- California Department of Fair Employment & Housing
- Fair Housing Council of the San Fernando Valley
- Fair Housing Foundation
- Housing Rights Center
- Mental Health Advocacy Services (MHAS)
- UC Irvine School of Law- California Department of Fair Employment and Housing Civil Rights Clinic
Human Trafficking
Identity Theft
- Al Otro Lado
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
- American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA)
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- Association of Salvadorans in Los Angeles (ASOSAL)
- California Courts Immigration Resource Directory
- California-Pacific Neighborhood Immigration Clinics (CAL-PAC-NIC)
- Casa Cornelia Law Center
- Catholic Charities of Los Angeles
- Central American Resource Center (CARECEN)
- Centro CHA
- CitizenshipWorks
- Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA)
- Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST)- Immigration Assistance
- Community Lawyers, Inc.
- Community Legal Aid SoCal
- Council of Mexican Federations (COFEM)
- Covered California
- El Rescate Legal Services
- Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project
- Freedom for Immigrants
- Glendale Community College- Dream Resource Center
- Immigrant Defenders Law Center
- Immigration Center for Women & Children
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center- Citizens and Noncitizens Constitutional Rights Red Card
- Inland Counties Legal Services, Inc. (ICLS)
- Interfaith Refugee & Immigration Service (IRIS)
- International Rescue Committee
- Karsh Center at Wilshire Boulevard Temple- Immigration Services
- Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
- Korean Resource Center
- LA County Library- Citizenship Resource Centers
- LA County of Immigrant Affairs- LAC4YOU
- Orientación General Y Taller de Asilo para los Inmigrantes que Enfrentan la Deportación at LA Law Library
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Los Angeles Center for Law & Justice
- Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA)- Immigration Legal Assistance Project
- Los Angeles Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Center- Immigration Law Project
- Los Angeles Public Library- New Americans Initiative
- Mexican American Legal, Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
- Mexican American Opportunity Foundation (MAOF)
- NALEO Educational Fund
- National Immigration Law Center
- Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA)
- Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti, Immigrant Affairs
- Office of Refugee Resettlement- Resettlement Agencies
- Public Counsel
- Public Law Center
- Pueblo Sin Frontera
- United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
- Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights
Immigration Clinics (Law Schools)
- Southwestern Law School- Immigration Law Clinic
- Southwestern Law Clinic- Removal Defense Clinic
- The Loyola Immigrant Justice Clinic
- UC Irvine School of Law- Immigrant Rights Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Immigrant Family Legal Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Naturalization Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- The Immigration Clinic: Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) & U-Visa Project
- UCLA School of Law- Youth Deportation Clinic
- University of La Verne College of Law- Justice and Immigration Clinic
- USC Gould School of Law- Immigration Clinic
Legal Aid Organizations
- Alliance for Children's Rights
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- Bet Tzedek Legal Services
- Community Legal Aid SoCal
- Inland Counties Legal Services, Inc. (ICLS)
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice (LACLJ)
- Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA)
- Public Counsel
- Public Law Center
- Asian Pacific American Dispute Resolution Center
- Beverly Hills Bar Association- Mediator Referral Service
- California Lawyers for the Arts
- Chapman University Fowler School of Law- Mediation Clinic
- Los Angeles City Attorney's Dispute Resolution Program
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA)
- Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA)
- Loyola Center for Conflict Resolution
- Loyola Law School- Pro Se Mediation Advocacy Clinic
- Pepperdine Caruso School of Law- Faith and Family Mediation Clinic
- Superior Court of California- County of Los Angeles- Mediation Services for Civil Cases
- USC Gould School of Law- Mediation Clinic
Mental Health Services
- Bienestar
- Braswell Rehabilitation Institute for Development of Growth and Educational Services, Inc. (BRIDGES, INC.)
- California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA)
- Edelman Westside Mental Health Center
- Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health- Mental Health Centers Locator
- Los Angeles Department of Mental Health
- Los Angeles Gender Center
- Mental Health Advocacy Services (MHAS)
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
- Pacific Clinics
Misconduct (Attorneys)
Misconduct (Doctors)
Name Change
- Adult Name Change Workshop at LA Law Library
- Bet Tzedek Legal Services- Free Legal Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) Center OC- Name and Gender Change Services
- St. John's Well Child & Family Center- Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic
- The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning/Queer (LGBTQ) Center of Long Beach- Free Legal Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic
- Trans Legal Clinic Calendar (Legal Clinics for Name and Gender Change)- Transgender Law Center
- UCLA School of Law- LetsGo! Liberation
Police Misconduct
Real Estate
- Bixel Exchange
- California Department of General Services
- California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
- City of Los Angeles Business Resource Center- Hollywood Region
- Community Legal Aid SoCal
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
- East LA Community Corporation (ELACC)
- L.A. City Department of General Services
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer & Business Affairs
- Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment (PACE) Business Development Center
Rent Control Enforcement
- Beverly Hills Rent Stabilization Division
- Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA)- Rent Stabilization Ordinance
- Los Angeles Rent Stabilization Board
- Santa Monica Rent Control Board
- West Hollywood Rent Stabilization & Housing Department
Sexual Assault
- Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) Sexual Assault Hotline
- YWCA/Greater LA- Sexual Assault Crisis Program
Small Business
- Bixel Exchange
- Business Series at LA Law Library
- California Department of General Services
- California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
- City of Los Angeles Business Resource Center- Hollywood Region
- L.A. City Department of General Services
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA)
- Los Angeles Office of Finance
- Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment (PACE) Business Development Center
- Port of Los Angeles Trade Connect
- USC Gould School of Law- Small Business Clinic
Small Claims
- Free Small Claims Workshop
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA)
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA)- Small Claims Advisors
- Small Claims: Where You Begin at LA Law Library
- Southwestern Law School- Small Claims Workshop and Clinic
Social Security
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
- Los Angeles Social Security Office
- Public Counsel - Federal Pro Se Clinic
Special Education Law
- Alliance for Children's Rights
- Learning Rights Law Center
- Mental Health Advocacy Services (MHAS)
- Public Counsel - Children's Rights Project
Student Loans
Tax Disputes
- Bet Tzedek Legal Services
- Chapman University Fowler School of Law - Tax Law Clinic
- Koreatown Youth+ Community Center
- Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law- Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
Unemployment Insurance Appeals
Utility Assistance Programs
- California Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
- Southern California Edison Energy Savings Assistance Program
- The Gas Company
- Bob Hope Patriotic Hall- Legal Clinics
- Cal Vet (California Department of Veterans Affairs)
- Inner City Law Center
- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles' (LAFLA)- Veterans Justice Center
- Legal Programs for Military Families (LAMP)
- Levitt & Quinn Family Law Center
- Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA)
- Department of Military & Veterans Affairs, County of Los Angeles
- Public Counsel- Center for Veterans' Advancement
- UCLA School of Law- Veterans Clinic
- UCLA School of Law- Veterans Legal Clinic
Victims of Crime
- Los Angeles County District Attorney's Bureau of Victim Services
- Victim Compensation and Government Claims Bureau (State of California)
- Victims of Crime Resource Center- Pacific McGeorge School of Law
Workers' Compensation
- County of Los Angeles, Chief Executive Office (CEO)- Workers' Compensation
- State of California Department of Industrial Relations- Division of Workers' Compensation
- State of California Department of Industrial Relations- Los Angeles District Office
The self-help collection is designed for people doing their own legal research without the assistance of an attorney. It is an excellent starting point for people involved in lawsuits who don’t have attorneys (also called self-represented litigants) as well as people who are facing common legal problems and seeking answers to everyday legal questions.
Many of the books in the self-help collection are published by Nolo Press, a publisher of books for non-attorneys. The majority of the Library’s Nolo books are also available electronically at the LA Law Library through the Legal Information Reference Center database. The self-help collection is an excellent starting point for landlords and tenants, homeowners, small business owners, employees, pet owners, and those doing their own divorce, among others. The self-help collection also has books for those who are suing or being sued in small claims, California state courts or the federal courts. The self-help collection also includes a wide variety of pamphlets, referral sheets and publications provided by the California and Federal Courts, legal aid providers and social services agencies.
LA Law Library provides access to legal resources and information and assistance with legal research. LA Law Library does not provide legal advice. For legal advice, you must consult an attorney. The “Get Legal Help” section suggests some ways to start looking for an attorney if you need one and also has information about finding free or low-cost legal aid services for those who qualify. Every superior court in California also makes legal help available in family law and in small claims cases. Some superior courts can also help you with other legal issues. For more information on court-based services in Los Angeles County, including hours and locations, click here.