Driving Laws: Laws that regulate vehicles and traffic.
- State of California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/news-and-media/dmv-highlights-new-laws-in-2023/
Parking Tickets
- Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT): https://ladot.lacity.org/coronavirus
Traffic Tickets - Notices issued by law enforcement to motorists or other road users, indicating that the user has violated traffic laws.
- Traffic and Non-Traffic Infraction Matters: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/pdfs/resource_lists/covid19/Traffic-Non-TrafficInfractionMatters.pdf
- California Courts, Request a Fine Reduction: https://mycitations.courts.ca.gov/home
- Los Angeles Superior Court - Traffic Court Changes: http://www.lacourt.org/division/traffic/traffic2.aspx