Going to Court: How the court process works, closures due to COVID-19, emergency services, alternatives to appearing in person, court fees and fines, options for filing papers and how to extend court deadlines. Includes Civil, Family Law, Small Claims, Appeals and other areas.
Appeals: The process for asking a higher court to overrule or modify a lower court’s decision.
- Appellate Clinic for Self-Represented Litigants: https://publiccounsel.org/clinics/appellate-clinic/
- LA Law Library Online Class, Appeals: Building You Case & Persuading the Court: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/hidden-classes/1631-appeals-court-pbw2020
- LA Law Library Online Class, Appeals: How the Court Process Works: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/hidden-classes/1536-appeals-how-the-court-process-works-online
- LA Law Library Online Class, What if you Lose? Don't Ruin Your Chance to Appeal: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/hidden-classes/1730-on-demand-what-if-you-lose-don-t-ruin-your-chance-to-appeal
- 2nd District Court of Appeals: https://www.courts.ca.gov/2dca.htm
- U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, Central District: https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/court-website-links/court-orders-and-updates-during-covid19-pandemic#appeals
Continuance: Where to find information on how to ask the court for a continuance of your case or a hearing (change a date to a date in the future).
- LA Law Library: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/pdfs/LASC%20Continuances.pdf
Court Closures: Find information about what courts are closed and for how long.
- One Legal: https://support.onelegal.com/california-court-updates-covid-19
- Traffic and Non-traffic Infraction Matters: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/pdfs/COVID19/Traffic and Non-Traffic Infraction Matters.pdf
Courthouse & Government Closures/Updates: During Covid-19, there will be updates on courthouse and government buildings operation hours.
- LA Superior Court: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/pdfs/COVID19/OpenCourtroomsCoverage.pdf
- COVID-19: County Closures, Cancellations and Service Modifications: https://covid19.lacounty.gov/covid19-2-2/closures/
- Nationwide legal courthouse closures https://nationwidelegal.com/court-closures/
- Court Holidays https://www.lacourt.org/holiday/ui/index.aspx
- Los Angeles County Superior Court https://www.lacourt.org/
- Los Angeles Superior Court COVID- Procedures https://www.lacourt.org/newsmedia/uploads/142020315174950CoronavirusPosterv3.pdf
- Emergency Rules Related to COVID-19 https://www.courts.ca.gov/43820.htm
Filing Court Documents: How do I file my court documents while the court clerks offices are closed due to COVID-19.
- LA Law Library: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/pdfs/03%2031%2020%20Options%20for%20filing%20court%20documents.pdf
- California Court updates- COVID-19: https://support.onelegal.com/california-court-updates-covid-19
- Steps for E-Filing—Civil and Probate: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/pdfs/COVID19/LASC E-Filing Guide - Civil and Probate.pdf
- LA Court Guide Files to Forms Resource https://www.lacourt.org/laselfhelp/pdf/GuideFilestoForms.pdf
- LA Superior Court: Self Help File Home https://www.lacourt.org/selfhelp/filefromhome/SH_FH000.aspx
Fines, Fees and Court Debt: Information relating to fines, fees, or costs assessed by the Courts.
- California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Free Phone Calls: https://www.cdcr.ca.gov/covid19/covid-19-response-efforts/
- Fines & Fees Justice Center: https://finesandfeesjusticecenter.org/articles/ffjc-policy-recommendations-for-the-covid-19-crisis/
- Los Angeles Superior Court, Traffic Court Changes: http://www.lacourt.org/division/traffic/traffic2.aspx
Legal Deadlines & Extensions: Information about changes to deadlines that have been affected by court closures.
- California Court updates, COVID-19: https://support.onelegal.com/california-court-updates-covid-19
Remote Court Appearances: Find out how to request a telephone appearance via LACourtConnect so you don't have to go to court in person.
- Alternatives to Going to a Court Hearing: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/pdfs/COVID19/Alternatives to Going to Court for a Court Hearing.pdf
- LACourtConnect Informational Flyer: (English)
- LACourtConnect Informational Flyer: (Spanish)
- LA Court Connect https://my.lacourt.org/laccwelcome
- LA Court Connect FAQ https://www.lacourt.org/documents/LACCFaqs.pdf
Services available at LA Superior Court: Find out what types of hearings and matters are still happening at LA Superior Court.
- LA Court Online Services https://www.lacourt.org/onlineservices/on0001.aspx
- LA Superior Court eFiling https://www.lacourt.org/division/efiling/efiling2.aspx
- Hearing Reminder Service https://hrs.courts.ca.gov/la
- LA Court Connect https://my.lacourt.org/laccwelcome
- LA Superior Court Self-help https://selfhelp.lacourt.org/
- LA Superior Court News Center https://www.lacourt.org/newsmedia/UI/newscenter.aspx
- Access LA Court Your-Way https://www.lacourt.org/newsmedia/ui/AccessLACourtYourWay.aspx
Small Claims: Legal dispute over money or other property, valued less than $10,000 for individuals, and under $5,000 for corporations.
- LA Law Library Online Class, Small Claims: Where You Begin: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/hidden-classes/1524-small-claims-where-you-begin-online
- LA Court, Small Claims Self-Help Resource: https://selfhelp.lacourt.org/service-catalog/C11
- LA Court, Small Claims Online Services: http://www.lacourt.org/division/smallclaims/smallclaims.aspx
- LA Law Library Online Class, Small Claims Court: An Overview: https://www.lalawlibrary.org/hidden-classes/1591-smallclaims-pbw2020
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs: https://dcba.lacounty.gov/small-claims-and-mediation/
- Los Angeles County Bar Association, Small Claims Assistance: https://www.lacba.org/need-legal-help/small-claims