LIVE ZOOM: Pregúntale a un abogado: Inmigración y ciudadanía

Sabado, 30 de octubre, 2021| 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Esta clase será disponible en Zoom


**Registration Opens October 4, 2021**

Únase a una sesión de preguntas y respuestas en vivo para aprender sobre la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA), el Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) y otros programas que pueden estar disponibles para inmigrantes que aún no están en el proceso de deportación. Se hará énfasis en la ayuda migratoria humanitaria y ayuda migratoria basada en la familia, incluyendo los programas de visas para las víctimas de la violencia en su país de origen.

Haga sus preguntas sobre:

  • Opciones disponibles para inmigrantes indocumentados que buscan permanecer en los Estados Unidos
  • Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA): cómo funciona el programa y su estado actual después de las impugnaciones judiciales
  • Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para víctimas de conflictos armados y desastres naturales
  • Otro tipo de ayuda migratoria humanitaria y ayuda migratoria basada en la familia
  • Recursos disponibles en el área de Los Ángeles para ayudar con problemas de inmigración

Presentado por:
Daniel Sharp, El Principal, Office of Immigrant Affairs (
Silvia Martinez, Directora del Proyecto, Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA) Immigration Legal Assistance Project (

La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles no brinda asesoría legal:
La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles no brinda asesoría legal. La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles brinda acceso a recursos legales y ayuda con investigación legal. La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles no brinda asesoramiento legal. Para consejo legal, debería consultar un abogado.



Presentado por:

Daniel Sharp, El Principal, Office of Immigrant Affairs (

Silvia Martinez, Directora del Proyecto, Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA) Immigration Legal Assistance Project (

La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles no brinda asesoría legal:

La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles no brinda asesoría legal. La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles brinda acceso a recursos legales y ayuda con investigación legal. La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles no brinda asesoramiento legal. Para consejo legal, debería consultar un abogado.

LIVE ZOOM: Ask a Lawyer: Small Claims

Thursday, December 1, 2022: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


Small claims court is a fast and convenient way to collect your money if the claim is $10,000 or less or falls within other categories authorized by law. Join a live question and answer session about the small claims court process for both plaintiffs and defendants. Subjects covered will include the basics of small claims – filing the case, serving court papers, preparing for trial, and collecting the money you win – and the process for collecting back rent owed now that the statewide eviction moratorium has expired.

Although you can listen to the class from various kinds of devices, you will need video to view the speaker(s) and any presentation materials, and will need to connect through Zoom to be able to participate in the written Q&A or chat features.

Presented by: Marija Cvetanoska, Esq., Cvetanoska Law

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice.  LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service.  The information presented in this program is not legal advice and is provided solely as an educational service to our patrons.  For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.

LIVE ZOOM: Ask a Lawyer: Small Claims Court

Saturday, Oct. 30, 2021 | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

This class will be hosted on ZOOM


Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or One tap mobile :

    US: +16699006833,,87583269487#  or +14086380968,,87583269487#

Or Telephone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

        US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 408 638 0968  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 253 215 8782  or +1 646 876 9923  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 312 626 6799

Webinar ID: 875 8326 9487

    International numbers available:


Small claims court is a fast and convenient way to collect your money if the claim is $10,000 or less or falls within other categories authorized by law. Join a live question and answer session about the small claims court process for both plaintiffs and defendants. Subjects covered will include the basics of small claims – filing the case, serving court papers, preparing for trial, and collecting the money you win – and the process for collecting back rent owed during the statewide eviction moratorium

Although you can listen to the class from various kinds of devices, you will need video to view the speaker(s) and any presentation materials, and will need to connect through a Zoom account to be able to participate in the written Q&A or chat features.

Presented by:

Steven A. Stein (, Counsel, Greenberg Glusker LLP

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice.  LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service.  The information presented in this program is not legal advice and is provided solely as an educational service to our patrons.  For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.

LIVE ZOOM: Ask a Lawyer: Civil Rights

Thursday, November 3, 2022: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.


Join a live question and answer session with an experienced civil rights and employment discrimination attorney. Ask your questions about civil rights law, whether a civil rights violation may have occurred, what is required for an employee to prove employment discrimination and where and how to make a civil rights claim. Covers civil rights and responsibilities of the police and public.

Ask your questions about:

  • How to determine if there is a civil rights violation
  • Types of civil rights cases
  • Laws against employment-based discrimination
  • Who can bring a civil rights case
  • Requirement to file a government claim before filing a lawsuit in some types of cases
  • Choosing between filing in state or federal court
  • Where and how to file
  • Deadlines and time limits

Although you can listen to the class from various kinds of devices, you will need video to view the speaker(s) and any presentation materials, and will need to connect through Zoom to be able to participate in the written Q&A or chat features.

Presented by: Silvia Luna, Attorney, Luna Legal Firm

Registration fee: FREE

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:
LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service.  The Law Library is pleased to offer our patrons the opportunity to obtain assistance from third party legal service providers at this and other events within the Library.  However, the Library does not control and is not responsible for the content or scope of any assistance given by those providers.

IN PERSON: Probate & Inheritance: Where You Begin

Friday, November 18, 2022 : 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Probate is the legal process of distributing a person’s cash, property, and other assets after they die. For relatives and heirs, probate court can be complicated and intimidating, especially when disputes arise. In this class, learn the basics of probate and the administration of estates and trusts, including when probate can be avoided, how to challenge improper use or waste of estate property, and where to go for further information and assistance. Learning important legal fundamentals about probate can make your legal journey easier and more successful.
Class covers:

  • What is probate, and how it works
  • When probate is necessary, and when it can be avoided
  • Appointment of administrators, and how to challenge an appointment
  • What to do about improper use or transfer of estate property
  • When probate court can get involved in trust administration
  • Will challenges and what to do about possible financial elder abuse
  • Resources for further information and where to seek help

NOTE:  This class does not cover estate planning or how to draft estate documents, such as wills or trusts. Please attend the “Wills & Trusts: Where You Begin” class for information on this subject.

Developed with the support of, and presented by My Legal Team, Inc. (

Registration fees: FREE

Reservation reserves spot

No legal advice:

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice.  LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service.  The information presented in this program is not legal advice and is provided solely as an educational service to our patrons.  For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.

Hours / Location

LA Law Library
301 W. First Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Click Here for Directions


Monday - Friday:
8:30 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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