¿Necesito un Poder de Representación o una Curatela?

Class recorded October 1, 2020

Este taller está diseñado para ayudar al asistente a comprender los diferentes tipos de poderes de los abogados y las consideraciones importantes que debe hacer al ejecutar el instrumento legal. Conozca la diferencia entre la toma de decisiones con apoyo y la toma de decisiones sustitutivas.

Presentado por Bet Tzedek Legal Services, revisaremos lo que implica nombrar a un agente, el alcance de la autoridad de un agente y cómo revocar un poder notarial. La presentación finalizará explicando la diferencia entre los poderos notariales y la curatela.

Presentado Por:
Bertha S. Hayden, Directing Attorney, Bet Tzedek Legal Services

Materiales del curso: Si desea recibir una copia de los materiales del curso para cualquiera de las clases, incluyendo cualquier PowerPoint utilizado, regístrese usando el botón en ¡Regístrese ahora! para la clase, que se proporciona a continuación, junto al nombre de la clase.


La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles no brinda asesoría legal:
La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles no brinda asesoría legal. La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles ofrece recursos legales y la asistencia con la investigación jurídica como un servicio educativo. La biblioteca jurídica de Los Ángeles se complace en ofrecer a nuestros usuarios la oportunidad de obtener asistencia de proveedores de servicios legales de terceros en este y otros eventos dentro de la biblioteca. Sin embargo, la biblioteca no controla y no es responsable del contenido o el alcance de la asistencia brindada por dichos proveedores.

Know Your Rights When Interacting With Police

Class recorded June 8, 2020

Interactions with law enforcement can be intimidating and unsettling. This class covers how to make smart choices when interacting with the police. Includes tips for how to respond when talking to the police on the street, in your car and in your home. Covers civil rights and responsibilities of the police and public.

Class covers:

  • Understanding the right to remain silent and consenting to a search
  • Tips for how to handle being questioned
  • Your rights in the event of an arrest
  • How to make good decisions during a traffic stop
  • What information to give an officer during a police stop
  • Options when witnessing police interactions.
  • And more!

Presented by:
Maria Hall, Attorney at Law
Markus McQueen, Attorney, The McQueen Firm
Juan Carlos Moran, Attorney, Equal Justice Works

Course Materials: If you would like to receive a copy of the course materials for any of the classes, including any PowerPoint used, please register at the Register Now! button for the class, provided below. A staff member will email you the course materials (usually within one business day)."


LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:
LA Law Library does not provide legal advice. LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service. The information presented in this program is not legal advice and is provided solely as an educational service to our patrons. For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.

How to Get a Domestic Violence Restraining Order

Class recorded October 28, 2021

If you or a loved one is a victim of domestic violence (DV), the legal system can help. Learn who qualifies for a DV restraining order, how the process works, what an order can do, and where else to seek help. Class will cover temporary and permanent restraining orders, and other protection orders.

Course Materials: If you would like to receive a copy of the course materials for any of the classes, including any PowerPoint used, please register at the Register Now! button for the class, provided below. A staff member will email you the course materials (usually within one business day)

Presented by:
Julianna Lee, Supervising Attorney, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)

Your Federal Tax Debt & Credits

This workshop discusses an “offer in compromise,” which can allow individuals who owe federal income taxes to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to settle the debt for less than is owed. Learn who is eligible, how to complete the necessary forms, and how to submit the offer. Class will also cover what information the IRS takes into account in determining whether or not to accept an offer in compromise.

Presented by:
Krystal Ibarra, Director, Bet Tzedek Tax Project, Bet Tzedek Legal Services

Course Materials: If you would like to receive a copy of the course materials for any of the classes, including any PowerPoint used, please register at the Register Now! button for the class, provided below. A staff member will email you the course materials (usually within one business day)

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:
LA Law Library does not provide legal advice. LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service. The information presented in this program is not legal advice and is provided solely as an educational service to our patrons. For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.

Section 8 & Subsidized Housing

Class recorded September 1, 2020

For updated information on California’s COVID-19 eviction protections, see Housing Is Key. Although the statewide eviction moratorium expired September 30, 2021, tenants awaiting the results of a rental assistance application filed before March 31, 2022, may still qualify for eviction protections through June 30, 2022 (https://bit.ly/3JbLvCT). In addition, tenants in the City of Los Angeles may still be protected by the City’s eviction moratorium until the City declares the Covid-19 “state of emergency” over, and tenants in other parts of the County of L.A. may be protected by the County’s Updated COVID-19 Tenant Protections Resolution starting July 1, 2022. Contact our Reference desk at (213) 785-2513, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or via chat at https://bit.ly/341pHYU for further assistance.

Learn about low-income housing assistance programs and services available to tenants with Section 8 vouchers.

Class covers:

  • General subsidized housing information
  • Evictions vs. terminations
  • Preparing for a Section 8 hearing
  • Tenant Rights in Section 8

Presented by:
Romy Ganschow, Staff Attorney, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)

Course Materials: If you would like to receive a copy of the course materials for any of the classes, including any PowerPoint used, please register at the Register Now! button for the class, provided below. A staff member will email you the course materials (usually within one business day)

LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:
LA Law Library does not provide legal advice. LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service. The information presented in this program is not legal advice and is provided solely as an educational service to our patrons. For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.

Hours / Location

LA Law Library
301 W. First Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
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Monday - Friday:
8:30 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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