Court Interpreter Minimum Continuing Education (CIMCE)
Protect Yourself: Elder Abuse Restraining Orders and Common Elder Scams
Thursday, October 24, 2019: 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Elder Abuse Restraining orders are an important protection tool to end abuse suffered by an adult or dependent adult. This workshop will explore who can file for an Elder Abuse/Dependent Adult Restraining Order, identify different types of abuse, and where to find help. The workshop will further explore the common scams designed to target seniors and how to watch out for these predatory schemes.
Presented by: Bertha S. Hayden, Directing Attorney, Bet Tzedek Legal Services
Real-time captioning (CART) is available for this class for those who bring an internet-capable device.
LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:
LA Law Library does not provide legal advice. LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service. The information presented in this program is not legal advice and is provided solely as an educational service to our patrons. For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.