Court Interpreter Minimum Continuing Education (CIMCE)
Business Series: How to Form a Corporation or LLC
Class recorded March 21, 2023
Business entities come in many shapes and sizes, and choosing the right one can avoid serious tax and liability consequences. Learn which business entity is right for you, how to prepare and file incorporation documents, and why supposed "formalities" like corporate by-laws can be so important to your business success.
Class covers:
- Creating legal structures that will protect business start-ups and accommodate the business as it grows
- Common myths and mistakes people make in setting up a business
- The difference between an LLC, C-Corporation and S-Corporation and how to determine which one is right for your business
- Why shouldn't you just operate as a partnership or a sole proprietorship?
- What are the issues that co-owners should address and resolve in a "Shareholders Agreement" before starting a business together?
Course Materials: If you would like to receive a copy of the course materials for any of the classes, including any PowerPoint used, please register at the Register Now! button for the class, provided below.
Video Recordings: We recognize that not everyone can attend in person classes, so even if you can't make it in, please watch any of these recordings and remember that we are still here to help! Call us at (213) 785-2513, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or chat with us online to get help finding information and resources on any legal (or not-quite-legal) question. Access to the video recordings is free.
Dated Material: Please note that the law changes. The original recording date for each class is provided on the display page. To be certain that you receive up-to-date information, please attend the in-person class, or contact us for help researching or updating your specific legal issue.
Registration fees: FREE - sponsored by the Friends of the Los Angeles County Law Library through the generous support of Pacific Western Bank.
LA Law Library does not provide legal advice:
LA Law Library does not provide legal advice. LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service. The information presented in this program is not legal advice and is provided solely as an educational service to our patrons. For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.