ON DEMAND: MCLE: Ethical Issues Working with Pro Bono Clients
- Details
Pro bono clients are like any other clients in many ways. But some pro bono clients present ethical issues for attorneys that often differ from those presented by fee-paying or contingent fee clients. Lawyers sometimes face difficult questions about defining who the client is, communication with clients, clients with diminished capacity, conflicts with fee-paying clients, and many others. Representation of nonprofit organizations also can present difficult ethical issues not faced with most for profit organizations.
Among the topics to be addressed are:
- What is pro bono work and how does it differ from other legal representation?
- What ethical issues can arise in representation of pro bono clients?
- How can you make sure your representation is conducted within the Rules of Professional Conduct?
- What ethical issues are presented by practicing remotely?
MCLE Disclaimer: MCLE credit is only granted to attorneys licensed to practice law by the State Bar of California. Attorneys from other jurisdictions should contact their state bar to learn about credit reciprocity.
Earn 1.0 hour Legal Ethics California participatory MCLE credit
Presented by: Toby Rothschild (https://www.pli.edu/faculty/toby-j.-rothschild-18647), Of Counsel to OneJustice and retired general counsel of the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA)
LA Law Library does not provide legal advice: LA Law Library does not provide legal advice. LA Law Library provides legal resources and assistance with legal research as an educational service. The information presented in this program is not legal advice and is provided solely as an educational service to our patrons. For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.